Publisher API

The documentation of our publisher API

General information  All available data can be downloaded and processed via the API. The API consists of various parameters that must be specified to get ...
Mi, 23 Aug, 2023 um 6:26 NACHMITTAGS
Statistic API
The statistics API is used to call the statistics data. For this purpose the following parameter must be appended to the API call: API parameter statis...
Fr, 5 Feb, 2021 um 2:17 NACHMITTAGS
Admedia API
The admedia API is used to get the admedia data. To do this, the following parameter must be appended to the API call: API parameter admedia get-cam...
Fr, 5 Feb, 2021 um 2:17 NACHMITTAGS
Transaction API
The transaction API is used to call the transactions. To do this, the following parameter must be appended to the API call: API parameter transactions ...
Fr, 5 Feb, 2021 um 2:17 NACHMITTAGS