If a publisher would like to have the sales assigned to him (and all related parameters) imported immediately into his personal system via a server-side tracking call, this is easily possible. The necessary code of the publisher must be deposited for this in the tag management of the system.


  • Registration of the Publisher in the corresponding partner program

  • Serversided tracking call must be guaranteed by the publisher

  • Serversided tracking code must be provided by the publisher

  • Storage of the tracking code in the tag manager


The Publisher registers for the corresponding partner program or is created in it. Now the serversided tracking call of the Publisher is provided for the network and integrated in the Tag Management System of the partner program. 

If a sale is generated by a user, this transaction is assigned to the corresponding Publisher in the partner program. The tag management system recognizes that the sale has been assigned to the publisher and plays the serversided tracking call. In this tracking call, theoretically all parameters of the sale can be stored.

Exemplary process